
Squint is the condition when the two eyes don’t take a gander at one heading and focus on one moment that we take a gander at something. Squints generally influence small kids. Our eyeball is held by six muscles. At the point when we attempt to pivot our eyes and look on another bearing, every one of these muscles change in like manner. A condition when these muscles don’t work in a fair manner and don’t move together, we call it Squint.

Strabismus or “Squint” is caused by the failure of the eye muscles to work together causing the eyes to be misaligned. In a child who has squint, one or both eyes may turn in, out, up or down. The brain corrects resulting double vision by using the better eye to see, and suppressing the squinting eye. This needs to be corrected at the earliest, as delay in treatment can cause permanent visual impairment. Treatment could be glasses, patching, home eye exercises or work ups on VTS4 system. In few children this needs to be followed up by a surgery to straighten the eyes. Surgery is ideally advised around the age of 4 yrs. and it may be on one or both eyes. It is a very safe extra ocular procedure performed under general Anesthesia and at dr. Sreekanth eye care & research centre it is always done under Operating Microscope.

Amblyopia or “lazy eye” is a condition where the eye is structurally normal but vision is reduced, due to inadequate visual stimulus in childhood. Uncorrected squint, asymmetrical uncorrected refractive errors, cataract etc. can lead to amblyopia. With early detection, the lazy eye can be corrected.

Eye injuries in children can cause eye damage which can be prevented by: Supervising children while using sharper objects. Keeping your child away from hazardous objects, medicines, chemicals, cleaning agents and sprays. Giving your child protective eye wear during sports, recreation and lab activities.

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